Antiques Business Directory Page 24

Antiques Business directory Page 24

> Business Directory > Luxury and Leisure Products > Antiques

Antiques entries of companies, associations and organizations are listed here containing contact-address, hours and ratings of users. You can register your own company entry or association here.

Antiques entries

There were 872 entries found


rue de l'Ancien Comté 80
1635, La Tour-de-Trême

 079 617 24 41

Bahnhofstrasse 4
9326, Horn

 071 841 88 84

av. du Simplon 23
1870, Monthey

 024 472 94 61

ch. du Soleil 20
1907, Saxon

 076 396 80 98


route de Florissant 1
1206, Genève

 022 347 40 00

place des Perrières 3b
1296, Coppet

 022 960 13 31
 022 960 13 33

Kyburgstrasse 5a
3600, Thun

 033 224 00 00

boulevard du Théâtre 9
1204, Genève

 022 310 58 50
 022 310 58 56

Sandbühlstrasse 11A
8620, Wetzikon ZH

 044 932 47 26

Marktgasse 15
8180, Bülach

 044 860 40 00

boulevard de Grancy 10-12
1006, Lausanne

 021 617 33 56

Kasernenstrasse 2
6370, Oberdorf NW

 079 800 86 21

Worbstrasse 219
3073, Gümligen

 031 952 72 62

Solothurnstrasse 13
3303, Jegenstorf

 031 761 38 00

rue des Alpes 18
1920, Martigny

 079 472 40 49

Maihofstrasse 20
6004, Luzern

 041 490 20 55

Obere Gasse 27
7000, Chur

 081 253 30 70

av. de la Dôle 1
1005, Lausanne

 021 323 36 35

route du Jorat 7
1000, Lausanne 27

 078 665 68 58

Wallisellenstrasse 28
8600, Dübendorf

 044 821 74 73
 044 821 75 14

<< 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 >>


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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Antiques in this month. This month 24 companies were registered, 6 were updated and 56 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Antiques March 2025Diagram AntiquesDiagram Antiques March 2025DeleteNew registrationUpdateNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Antiques with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Antiques 2025Statistics AntiquesStatistics Antiques 2025020406080100February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics