Domestic appliances - small Business Directory Page 9

Domestic appliances - small Business directory Page 9

> Business Directory > Electrical and Electronic > Domestic appliances - small

Business entries of Domestic appliances - small are gathered here with informations of address, hours and ratings of users. You can add your own business entry or organization on this page.

Domestic appliances - small entries

There were 617 entries found


rue Eugène-Marziano 23A
1227, Les Acacias

 022 300 58 58
 022 300 58 59

6533, Lumino

 091 829 42 89
 091 829 42 90

av. des Crosets 33
1800, Vevey

 021 921 03 08
 021 921 02 54

Grand-Rue 86
1627, Vaulruz

 026 919 19 11
 026 912 30 97


route de Vullierens 33
1124, Gollion

 021 862 11 16
 021 861 39 12

route de Fribourg 26
Case postale 41
1680, Romont FR

 026 653 10 25
 026 653 21 74

via San Gottardo 111
6828, Balerna

 091 690 04 95
 091 690 04 99

via E. Bossi 29
6830, Chiasso

 091 682 46 25

route du Pré-de-la-Croix 18
1847, Rennaz

 021 967 33 50
 021 967 33 58

route du Village Derrière 38
1658, La Tine

 079 568 19 44

av. du Tir-Fédéral 1
1022, Chavannes-près-Renens

 021 634 01 59
 021 634 21 59

rue des Petits Champs 13
1400, Yverdon-les-Bains

 024 426 71 74
 024 426 71 76

route Neuve 4
1347, Le Sentier

 021 845 41 92
 021 845 54 43

ch. de Balavaud 6
1963, Vétroz

 027 346 62 67

route de Lausanne 31
1040, Echallens

 021 887 61 67

les Rochettes 11
1564, Domdidier

 026 658 00 38
 026 658 00 39

via Industria 1
6814, Lamone

 091 612 24 50
 091 604 62 50

av. du Mont-Blanc 2
1196, Gland

 022 354 05 05
 022 354 05 06

rue du Lac 36B
1020, Renens VD

 021 634 62 68
 021 634 55 85

route du Bois-Genoud 4
Case postale 36
1023, Crissier 1

 079 924 04 39
 021 691 08 03

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Cities & surrounding

Domestic appliances - small branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Domestic appliances - small in this month. This month 3 companies were registered, 17 were updated and 6 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Domestic appliances - small March 2025Diagram Domestic appliances - smallDiagram Domestic appliances - small March 2025UpdateDeleteNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Domestic appliances - small with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Domestic appliances - small 2025Statistics Domestic appliances - smallStatistics Domestic appliances - small 2025020406080100February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics