Halls for conventions and seminars Business Directory Page 3

Halls for conventions and seminars Business directory Page 3

> Business Directory > Travel, Tourism and Leisure > Trade Shows > Halls for conventions and seminars

Halls for conventions and seminars entries of companies, associations and organizations are gathered here containing contact-data, operation hours and experience reports of customers. You can add your own company entry or organization on this page.

Halls for conventions and seminars entries

There were 238 entries found


ch. des Bois 76
1255, Veyrier

 076 383 09 87

ch. de la Chenalette 5B
1197, Prangins

 079 695 31 60

ch. de la Vieille Laiterie
1789, Lugnorre

 026 673 19 24

ch. des Anciens-Moulins 12
1009, Pully

 076 337 73 43
 021 729 41 84


av. du Devin-du-Village 27
1203, Genève

 022 348 60 64

rue des Chansons 39
2034, Peseux

 077 493 12 04

Case postale 71
1231, Conches

 079 202 38 37

place des Osses 1
1762, Givisiez

 026 469 70 01
 026 469 70 09

ch. des Anciens-Moulins 12
1009, Pully

 076 337 73 43
 021 729 41 84

route de Bellevue 20
1803, Chardonne

 021 921 84 32

rue Jean-André-Venel 92
1400, Yverdon-les-Bains

 079 219 53 19

route de la Ronclina 4
1635, La Tour-de-Trême

 026 919 29 11

av. du Mont-Blanc 3
1018, Lausanne

 079 691 07 82

rue des Fleurs 6
2300, La Chaux-de-Fonds

 078 948 79 70

route d'Arbaz 34B
1971, Grimisuat

 079 830 32 41

ch. de Longeraie 9
1006, Lausanne

 079 287 34 73

av. E.-Jaques-Dalcroze 5
1007, Lausanne

 021 619 45 44

place Bel-Air 1
1003, Lausanne

 021 311 63 17

ch. de Mancy 61
1245, Collonge-Bellerive

 022 752 46 83

rue des Châteaux 2
1950, Sion

 027 323 45 61

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Cities & surrounding

Halls for conventions and seminars branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Halls for conventions and seminars in this month. This month 9 companies were registered, 48 were updated and 58 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Halls for conventions and seminars March 2025Diagram Halls for conventions and seminarsDiagram Halls for conventions and seminars March 2025DeleteUpdateNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Halls for conventions and seminars with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Halls for conventions and seminars 2025Statistics Halls for conventions and seminarsStatistics Halls for conventions and seminars 2025020406080100February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics