Halls for conventions and seminars Business Directory Page 4

Halls for conventions and seminars Business directory Page 4

> Business Directory > Travel, Tourism and Leisure > Trade Shows > Halls for conventions and seminars

Halls for conventions and seminars entries of companies, associations and organizations are gathered here containing contact-data, operation hours and experience reports of customers. You can add your own company entry or organization on this page.

Halls for conventions and seminars entries

There were 238 entries found


rue du Débarcadère
2024, St-Aubin-Sauges

 032 835 28 16

rue de Lausanne 1
1800, Vevey

 021 921 60 37

ch. des Bruyères 4
Case postale 1018
1007, Lausanne

 021 646 06 30

Case postale 92
1213, Petit-Lancy 2

 076 346 07 56


av. Bergières 10
Case postale 89
1000, Lausanne 22

 021 643 21 11
 021 643 37 11

rue des Deux-Marchés 11
1005, Lausanne

 021 311 65 40

rue de Lausanne 80
1202, Genève

 022 732 36 81
 022 732 36 84

Case postale 577
1400, Yverdon-les-Bains

 024 426 22 26

rue Francillon 29
2610, St-Imier

 032 941 35 35
 032 941 35 36

ch. du Repos 5
1213, Petit-Lancy

 022 345 06 20

av. Bergières 44
1004, Lausanne

 021 624 54 77

rue du Général-Dufour 16
1204, Genève

 022 418 35 54
 022 418 35 51

av. Industrielle 10
1227, Carouge GE

 022 301 68 38

rue des Moulins 6
2000, Neuchâtel

 032 724 01 25

rue de Berne 50
1201, Genève

 022 909 88 99
 022 909 88 90

av. Ritz 18
1950, Sion

 027 321 22 08

rue du Petit-Saint-Jean 1A
1003, Lausanne

 021 323 34 43

ch. Edouard-Olivet 14
1226, Thônex

 022 349 49 82
 022 349 53 17

route du Grand-Pont 20
Case postale 306
1095, Lutry

 021 793 12 01
 021 793 12 02

rue du Casino 4
1907, Saxon

 027 743 20 00

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Cities & surrounding

Halls for conventions and seminars branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Halls for conventions and seminars in this month. This month 9 companies were registered, 48 were updated and 58 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Halls for conventions and seminars March 2025Diagram Halls for conventions and seminarsDiagram Halls for conventions and seminars March 2025DeleteUpdateNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Halls for conventions and seminars with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Halls for conventions and seminars 2025Statistics Halls for conventions and seminarsStatistics Halls for conventions and seminars 2025020406080100February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics