Perly-Certoux Business Directory Page 2

Perly-Certoux Business directory Page 2

> Switzerland > Canton of Geneva > Genève (Kanton Genf) > Perly-Certoux

Business entries of Perly-Certoux are listed here with informations of address, opening hours and reviews of users. You can register your own company entry or organization on this page.

Perly-Certoux entries

There were 349 entries found


ch. de Champ-Budin 4
1258, Perly

 022 300 54 77

route de Certoux 164
1258, Perly

 022 771 19 16
 022 771 41 09

route de Saint-Julien 305
1258, Perly

 022 343 14 12
 022 343 40 19

route de Saint-Julien 273
1258, Perly

 022 341 08 48
 022 341 08 51


route de Saint-Julien 285
1258, Perly

 022 771 17 92
 022 771 31 25

ch. des Mattines 21
1258, Perly

 078 901 16 10
 022 771 18 44

Case postale 88
1258, Perly

 076 318 49 79

route de Saint-Julien 255
1258, Perly

 022 771 39 77
 022 771 32 72

ch. du Pré-de-Lug 9
1258, Perly

 079 917 26 39

ch. de la Mairie 24
1258, Perly

 022 771 23 14

route de Saint-Julien 281
1258, Perly

 022 732 29 86
 022 738 09 51

route de Saint-Julien 255
1258, Perly

 022 771 38 78
 022 771 42 96

route des Ravières 2
1258, Perly

 022 771 14 64

route de Saint-Julien 275
1258, Perly

 022 348 56 57

route de Saint-Julien 275
1258, Perly

 022 788 90 60

route de Saint-Julien 261
Case postale 149
1258, Perly

 022 721 10 20
 022 721 10 22

route de Saint-Julien 275
1258, Perly

 022 772 60 18

ch. de la Mairie
1258, Perly

 022 771 36 69

route de Saint-Julien 261
Case postale 147
1258, Perly

 022 721 10 40

route de Saint-Julien 299
1258, Perly

 022 771 24 02
 022 771 05 03

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Cities & surrounding

Perly-Certoux branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Perly-Certoux in this month. This month 2 companies were registered, 12 were updated and 9 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Perly-Certoux March 2025Diagram Perly-CertouxDiagram Perly-Certoux March 2025UpdateDeleteNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Perly-Certoux with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Perly-Certoux 2025Statistics Perly-CertouxStatistics Perly-Certoux 20250153045607590February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Perly-Certoux