Steels and metals - machining Valais Business directory
> Business Directory Valais > Metallurgy and Metalworking Valais > Steels and metals - machining Valais
Business entries of Steels and metals - machining Valais are listed here containing contact, opening hours and ratings of customers. You can register your own company entry or association here.
Steels and metals - machining Valais entries
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Economic development statistics 2025
The statistics show the economic development of Steels and metals - machining Valais with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.
Statistics Steels-and-metals-machining-Valais
Cities & surrounding
Steels and metals - machining Valais branches and surrounding
- Valais local guide
- Steels and metals - surface treatment and coating Valais
- Steels and metals - welding and brazing Valais
- Tin and tin alloys Valais
- Wheels, castors and rollers Valais
- Wires and cables - ferrous metal Valais
- Wires and cables - non-ferrous metal Valais
- Wrought iron Valais
- Zinc and zinc alloys Valais
- Abrasives, mechanical Valais
- Aluminium and aluminium alloys Valais
- Bearings - ball, needle and roller Valais
- Blades and knives, industrial Valais
- Boilerwork Valais
- Cast iron items Valais
- Chains Valais
- Copper and copper alloys Valais
- Fastening devices Valais
- Grids, gratings and wire mesh Valais
- Hand tools Valais
- Hardware, building construction Valais
- Houseware, metal Valais
- Import-export - steels and metals Valais
- Industrial building construction Valais
- Industrial hardware Valais
- Industrial piping Valais
- Iron alloys Valais
- Iron, special grade and pig iron Valais
- Knives and scissors for household and professional use Valais
- Lead and lead alloys Valais
- Locks, bolts and keys Valais
- Magnetic equipment Valais
- Metal construction, lightweight Valais
- Metals, precious and special Valais
- Moulds and patterns Valais
- Nuts and bolts Valais
- Packing and packaging materials, metal Valais
- Pipes and tubes - ferrous metal Valais
- Pipes and tubes - non-ferrous metal Valais
- Plumbing, domestic Valais
- Plumbing, industrial Valais
- Portable power tools Valais
- Safes and vaults Valais
- Scaffolding and ladders Valais
- Sections and bars - ferrous metal Valais
- Sections and bars - non-ferrous metal Valais
- Sheets and bands - ferrous metal Valais
- Sheets and bands - non-ferrous metal Valais
- Signs and signalling panels and boards Valais
- Springs Valais
- Steel Valais
- Steel, special Valais
- Steels and metals - forming and cutting Valais
- Finished Metal Products Valais
- Steel and Metals Valais
- Tools and Hardware Valais
- Steel and Metal Transformation Valais
- Sheet Metal and Tubes Valais
Economic activity March 2025
The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Steels and metals - machining Valais in this month. This month 19 companies were registered, 34 were updated and 40 businesses were canceled.
Geographic information
Place name: | Valais |
Latitude: | 46.2292500 |
Longitude: | 7.4597200 |
Population: | 284653 |