Trays and dishes, aluminium Business directory
> Business Directory > Metallurgy and Metalworking > Finished Metal Products > Trays and dishes, aluminium
Business entries of Trays and dishes, aluminium are gathered here with contact, opening hours and ratings of customers. You can register your own business entry or association here.
Trays and dishes, aluminium entries
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Economic development statistics 2025
The statistics show the economic development of Trays and dishes, aluminium with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.
Statistics Trays-and-dishes-aluminium
Cities & surrounding
Trays and dishes, aluminium branches and surrounding
- Switzerland
- Abrasive discs
- Aerosol cans
- Aerosol valves
- Aluminium foil for packing
- Aluminium wires and cables
- Artistic cast iron work
- Ballistic equipment and testing
- Bars - ferrous metal
- Bars - non-ferrous metal
- Bearings, antifriction
- Bearings, ball
- Bearings, crankshaft
- Bearings, needle
- Bearings, roller
- Boarding - non-ferrous metal
- Boarding, metal
- Boilers, cast iron
- Bottles, metal
- Brass wires and cables
- Cables - accessories
- Caps, metal
- Castors for furniture
- Castors, swivelling
- Chains - accessories
- Chains with welded links, studless
- Chains, copper
- Chains, custom-made
- Chains, iron and steel
- Chains, non-ferrous metal
- Chains, plastic
- Chains, wire - with non-welded links
- Cladding - ferrous metal
- Cladding - non-ferrous metal
- Cofferdams, steel
- Coil Springs
- Cold rolled sections
- Containers, metal
- Copper wires and cables
- Custom design springs
- Die casting moulds
- Disc springs
- Drums, barrels and kegs - metal
- Electromagnets
- Emery-coated fabrics
- Girders - ferrous metal
- Gratings, metal
- Grids, metal
- Grindstones, abrasive
- Hanging scaffolding
- Helical springs
- Houseware, aluminium
- Houseware, copper
- Houseware, enamel
- Houseware, steel
- Hydraulic springs
- Ladders, double
- Leaf springs
- Lightweight metal scaffolding
- Low coercitivity materials
- Magnets
- Mains pipes - ferrous metal
- Metal cutlery
- Metal screens for reinforced concrete
- Moulds for glass and crystal
- Moulds, ceramics
- Moulds, foundry
- Moulds, plastic and rubber industry
- Moulds, precision
- Plain bearings
Economic activity March 2025
The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Trays and dishes, aluminium in this month. This month 50 companies were registered, 50 were updated and 38 businesses were canceled.