Wines - Italy Valais Business directory
> Business Directory Valais > Food and Related Products Valais > Wines - Italy Valais
Wines - Italy Valais entries of companies, authorities and associations are listed here containing contact, operation hours and ratings of customers. You can add your own company entry or association here.
Wines - Italy Valais entries
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Economic development statistics 2025
The statistics show the economic development of Wines - Italy Valais with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.
Statistics Wines-Italy-Valais
Cities & surrounding
Wines - Italy Valais branches and surrounding
- Valais local guide
- Beer Valais
- Biscuits Valais
- Bread, cakes and pastries Valais
- Champagne and sparkling wines Valais
- Cheese Valais
- Cider and perry Valais
- Cocoa and chocolate Valais
- Coffee and tea Valais
- Condiments, extracts and spices Valais
- Confectionary Valais
- Milk Food products Valais
- Dietary and organic foods Valais
- Drinks, soft Valais
- Feeds for animal farming Valais
- Fish, seafood and snails, preserved Valais
- Flour and semolina Valais
- Food and beverage additives Valais
- Foods, precooked and gourmet Valais
- Frozen and deep-frozen foods Valais
- Fruit preserves and jams Valais
- Fruits, dried Valais
- Ice cream and sorbets Valais
- Import-export - food and agriculture Valais
- Juices, fruit and vegetable Valais
- Liquors and spirits Valais
- Meat Valais
- Meat, preserved Valais
- Meats, cooked and cured Valais
- Mineral water Valais
- Miscellaneous products of animal origin Valais
- Offal Valais
- Oils and fats, edible Valais
- Pasta Valais
- Pet foods Valais
- Sugar Valais
- Unrefined vegetable oils Valais
- Vegetables, preserved Valais
- Wines Valais
- Wines - France Valais
- Wines - Spain Valais
- Food Processing Valais
- Drinks Valais
- Tinned Foods Valais
- Dairy Products Valais
- Bread and Cakes Valais
- Frozen Foods Valais
- Meats Valais
- Winery Valais
Economic activity February 2025
The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Wines - Italy Valais in this month. This month 12 companies were registered, 13 were updated and 20 businesses were canceled.
Geographic information
Place name: | Valais |
Latitude: | 46.2292500 |
Longitude: | 7.4597200 |
Population: | 284653 |